Sentinel Capital, together with employees of our portfolio companies, provided a finacial support to Ukraine in the amount of: CZK 1,000,000


“Price is what you pay,
value is what you get.”

— Warren Buffett —

About us
Sentinel Capital

Sentinel Capital llc is a family-owned investment group from Ostrava, Czech republic, with a thirty-year tradition.

Sentinel Capital´s investment philosophy is based on long-term ownership of its assets and owned companies with a conservative approach to risk. Through its investment company, it also manages outside investors’ capital in equity and real estate funds.


we invest

trojúhelník 3
Trojúhelník 4
Trojúhelník 5

we invest

We invest in high-quality assets, specifically in private equity markets, public equity markets and industrial real estate. We search for investment opportunities where we believe favourable combination of attractive return and limited downside risk exists. In addition, due to our long-term investment horizon, we primarily invest in assets possessing sustainable long-term competitive advantage.

Our primary focus is on risk management, thus diversifiying our portfolio and working with very conservative level of debt. We conduct our business in honest and transparent manner, our investments are managed by a team of experienced managers as well as family members who actively participate in strategic and, to a limited extent, operational management.

What investment opportunities we look for

Private equity:

Real estate:




Current portfolio

Some of our current projects.



Sentinel Capital, a.s.

Sadová 553/8
Moravská Ostrava, 702 00 Ostrava

Company ID: 08624658

The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the Regional Court in Ostrava, dept. B, record 11156.

Please contact us

We will be happy to answer your questions.

Files for download

27. 12. 2019 Oznámení o uložení projektu Rozdělení do sbírky listin
1. 2. 2020 Projekt odštěpení sloučením
9. 9. 2021 Oznámení — projekt rozdělení odštěpením sloučením